Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Being the agent of cataclysmic social change that I am, I can't help but compare myself to the likes of Jesus and Buddha, or maybe the man who invented the wheel even. So it comes as no big surprise that I had the chance to meet and interview another man who has the power to shape the events of the world, much like I do; Mr. Obama.

OB as I shall refer to him from now on(we go way back you see), was his usual animated, and articulated self. If you remember correctly, karbage has had a change in policy with its focus being shifted from somber, melancholic topics to more lighthearted, frivolous ones. So I made it a point to keep the questions more trivial and less profound.

Here, as always, is a sneak peek at part of the transcript.

Me: So Mr. obama, it is a fine day for some golf isn't it? the weather is fantastic wouldn't you agree?

OB: We are at the gates of momentous times[Frowns]. I foresee a future where our children-children of hard working Americans[Looks to the left then looks to the right], can expect to experience such weather all throughout the year and it is up to you and I[He seems to be getting a little animated at this point] to bring about this change in...

An hour later...

...are right karbage, I believe that it is a great day.

Me: Hmmm, o-k-a-y, that was a more detailed answer than I had expected.

Me: Tell me, what did you have for breakfast today?

OB: karbage! There was a time when my father[Thumps his chest at this point] would not have been served any food in this great country, but the change that I have seen has...

Another hour later...

and so taking these historical metamorphoses that have occurred in our great country's history into consideration[Gesticulates wildly]; I decided to have a BLT for breakfast.

Me: Are you left handed?

OB: Abraham Lincoln once said[OB kicks his chair away as he rises while looking to the sky with his arms outstretched]...

to be continued...

Interesting character. No?

I was kind enough to agree to a wish of his. He wanted me to post this particular snap he had of his on this blog as he is well aware of the fact that billions if not gazillions of people read this, every day.

Now, my bitchy 6 year old neighbor said that she thought that the snap was photoshopped, and that she suspected me of fraud, well, I have seen quite a few photo-manipulations in my lifetime, and looking at the pixels, I can confidently say that this is not photoshopped in any way whatsoever. I mean come on, only god can photoshop that well. And I am not god. well, ok, maybe I come close ;)

See! Not photoshopped.


Anonymous said...

That was an interesting interview. What better place for Obama to have his views heard than he-soos's blog. Once again I must congratulate you on your efforts to be the catalyst for social change....(tick - tock - tick - tock).....(an hour and 59 minutes later).......on a job well done !

Hail JerryKantrell !

JerryKantrell said...

He-soos has noted thine prayer and shall shower his blessings upon thee, soon.

Nithinkrishna Shenoy said...

Nice one. :)

ashwinxn said...

Nice post karbage...

JerryKantrell said...

Thank you, all of you. Makes me want to write more.